Does the thought of sharing a "fun" photo of yourself at work on social media fill you with dread? 

Do you have no idea what to post, when to post or even how to post? You are not the only ones!

Most of my clients come to me because they have successful growing small businesses and have decided they need to expand their Social Media presence and quite frankly, don't like it and cannot find the time to do it.

And I get it.

I personally am a social media fanatic. I can disappear down an Insta-rabbit hole for hours, lose days on Pinterest and avidly check Facebook and Twitter as soon as I wake up. But I also get that not everyone feels the same way. 

So some clients want me to just set up their social media presence and then hand it over to them with some tips on how to maintain it. Others want me to maintain it for them at 2-3 hours per week or month, depending on their budget and what they want to achieve.

What you need to bear in mind is that social media is not rocket science, but it can be time consuming. The recommended amount of posting is somewhere around :

  • 1-2 Facebook posts a day
  • 1-3 Instagram posts a day
  • 2-5 Tweets a day
  • 5-10 Pinterest posts a day
  • plus YouTube and Google+ posts, 
  • added to engagement with other businesses profiles
An example of the amount of posting a social media manager tries to do in a day

An example of the amount of posting a social media manager tries to do in a day


If this is not your thing and you would rather poke your eye outwith a red hot poker than post a video of you being cute on Instagram stories - then maybe its time to hand it over to me!

Social media is not about seeing a sudden huge increase in sales, or visits to your website but instead I believe, boils down to 2 main things

  1. Firstly you want people who have an interest in what you do/sell to be unaware that they are now becoming more aware of your business, at an almost subconscious level through consistent posting by your business on a variety of social platforms; so that when they do suddenly need a new painting, cabinet or music lesson, they remember YOU.
  2. Secondly you want to show your personality through your posts so that you stand out from the other millions of businesses that can provide them with a similar thing. Customers do not buy on price alone, they buy on engagement with YOUR business. So showing that bit of humour or the fact that you recycle all your packaging, or that you and your team stop on Friday afternoons for Margaritas, is a good show it to the people!
Friday's mean Margarita's

Friday's mean Margarita's


There are a number of benefits to using social media, including building brand awareness, improving customer service, lead generation, recruitment, and increased traffic and sales on your website, but first and foremost it is about presenting you and your business to the world and telling them why they should buy from you, or use your service.

It is FREE advertising.

The more people like, comment and share your posts with their friends, the more your business name is getting out there. And it does not cost you  a penny. It's free window dressing, so get that window dressed up and make it look pretty!

If you want to find out a bit more about how social media can help your business, try these books. I love them and they certainly helped me formulate my strategies when I first started. Firstly "Jab, Jab, Right Hook" by Gary Vaynerchuk, and secondly  "Relax! It's only Social Media" by Luan Wise. 


And if you still just do not want to get involved in social media, or SEO, then play to your strengths, concentrate on what you are good at and  get me to do your social media for you instead! 




5 reasons why you might need a social media manager